2023/10/27 14:00:00 GMT+0530
Algebraic Aspects and Functoriality of the Set of Affiliated Operators
2023/10/27 10:45:00 GMT+0530
On the density of non-iterates in the space of continuous self-maps
2023/10/26 14:00:00 GMT+0530
Large Language Models: Better Reasoners or Storehouses of Knowledge?
2023/10/18 14:00:00 GMT+0530
Short course on physics informed deep learning
('Lecture Series',)
2023/10/18 10:00:00 GMT+0530
Short course on physics informed deep learning
('Lecture Series',)
2023/10/17 16:00:00 GMT+0530
Topological rigidity (and flexibility) of rational and polynomial convexity
2023/10/13 09:00:00 GMT+0530
Cantor minimal systems
2023/10/06 14:30:00 GMT+0530
Generalized Choquard Schrodinger equation with vanishing potential in homogeneous fractional Musielak Sobolev spaces
2023/10/06 11:00:00 GMT+0530
Commutant lifting, Interpolation and Toeplitz Operators
2023/10/06 09:00:00 GMT+0530
Open dynamics on subshifts of finite type
2023/10/05 11:00:00 GMT+0530
Interaction of incompressible and acoustic flows at low Mach number
2023/10/04 11:00:00 GMT+0530
Ergodicity for 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space
2023/10/04 10:00:00 GMT+0530
DNS and LES of Supersonic Turbulent Internal Flows with and without Shock Train
2023/09/21 15:00:00 GMT+0530
Semilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Unbounded Domains
2023/09/20 14:00:00 GMT+0530
Approximation of a dispersive model using the Hyperbolic formulation framework: Example of the Conduit equation
2023/09/12 16:00:00 GMT+0530
The Dimer Model in 3 dimensions
2023/09/12 14:00:00 GMT+0530
A tool for autoformalization of mathematics in Lean
2023/09/11 14:00:00 GMT+0530
Qualitative Properties and Symmetry of Quasilinear Elliptic Equations
('PhD Thesis Defense',)
2023/09/01 11:00:00 GMT+0530
High Performance Computational Astrophysics on GPUs with Applications
2023/08/29 16:00:00 GMT+0530
Ricci flow, positive curvature, and symmetry