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General Information

The Integrated PhD programme is a six year programme offered for students admitted after their Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Engineering or other allied fields. Students who already have a Master’s degree or who will receive a Master’s degree at the time of admission are not eligible for this programme. Such students may consider the PhD programmes we offer. The following applies to the Integrated PhD programme in 2024 or later.


The Integrated PhD programme comprises of three stage

Years 1 and 2: The student undergoes rigorous training in Master’s level mathematics with a strong emphasis on Analysis, Probability, and theoretical and numerical study of PDEs. A total of 16 courses, each worth 5 credits, are offered in the first two years of the programme. The detailed syllabus can be found here.

Year 3:  The student completes a year-long project — usually done under the mentorship of one faculty member (the presumed PhD advisor). In addition, the student takes the following courses :

  • Research Methodology (4 credits)
  • Research and Publication Ethics (2 credits)
  • Non-reading course(s) totalling 6 credits

By the end of the third year, the student must pass the Candidacy Examination to register for PhD (details below). 

Years 4, 5, and 6: PhD work under the supervision of a faculty member.



YearFellowship (monthly)Contingency (yearly)
1 Year

Rs. 25,000

Rs. 30,000

2 Year onwards

Rs. 37,000

Rs. 60,000

After registration for PhD degree (typically from 4th Year)

Rs. 42,000

Rs. 60,000


Normal progress in the Integrated PhD programme

A student is deemed to be making normal progress if they satisfy the following.

Years 1 and 2: The student passes all the courses. Additionally, the student is expected to develop a serious interest in a broad area of specialization during this period and identify a potential PhD advisor.

Year 3: In the third year, the student

  • completes non-reading courses, Research Methodology, and Research and Publication Ethics courses with an S (Satisfactory) grade.
  • completes a year-long research project with the potential PhD advisor in the run-up to the candidacy exam, and
  • passes the Candidacy Examination and registers for a PhD with the thesis advisor.


Years 4, 5, and 6:

In the fourth, fifth and sixth years, the student is expected to work on research problem(s) and successfully defend their PhD thesis before the end of the sixth year. At the end of each year, the Thesis Monitoring Committee approves the student’s continuation to the next year based on satisfactory research progress.

Candidacy Examination and Registration for PhD.

The eligibility requirements to appear for a candidacy exam are:

- Having a potential PhD advisor
- Completion of a minimum of 82 credits
- Passing the Research Methodology and Research and Publication Ethics courses.

The candidacy examination consists of a research presentation followed by a question/answer session before the Candidacy Examination Committee. The research presentation typically consists of background research material as well as potential research problems the student plans to pursue as part of their PhD work.

After passing the Candidacy Examination, the student can register for a PhD by applying to the Subject Board within 6 months. The application should contain the name of the proposed thesis adviser and a broad description of the topic of research intended to be pursued, and endorsed by the proposed thesis adviser. At the time of registration of PhD, a Thesis Monitoring Committee will be constituted.

The student is responsible for choosing a research topic and finding an advisor who matches their aptitude and interests. There is no formal procedure for drawing up research programmes and assignments to advisers. The student is expected to develop a serious interest in a broad area of specialization by the end of their second year, and they are welcome to consult any faculty member at the Centre for suggestions. Any regular academic member of the School of Mathematics is eligible to be a student’s thesis adviser.

For more information, please visit

Submission of PhD Synopsis and PhD Thesis

After the student completes their PhD research project(s), with the permission of the thesis adviser, the student forwards a synopsis of the thesis to the Subject Board, to obtain approval for submission of the synopsis to the TIFR Mumbai Graduate Studies Office. The same procedure will once again be followed to obtain approval for submission of their thesis. Once the Subject Board approves the submission of a synopsis/thesis, the rest of the process of submission and evaluation of the synopsis and thesis will be as per the guidelines prescribed by the Academic Council of TIFR.

For more information, please visit


What if normal progress is not maintained at any stage of the Integrated PhD programme?

Years 1 and 2:

  • The following may result in an expulsion from the programme.

    • Failing in 3 or more courses in the first semester

    • Failing in 2 or more courses in semesters two, three, or four

    • Failing in 3 or more courses in the first year

  • If a student fails a particular course, the Graduate Studies Committee will decide the future course of action in consultation with the concerned instructor.

  • If a student fails a course in the second year, and the concerned instructor recommends repeating the course, then the student can take the course again in the subsequent year (without any fellowship).

  • If a student has not passed all their courses at the end of the second year, they cannot proceed to the third year of the programme.

Year 3:

  • If a student has not passed the mandatory third year courses, they will be asked to take further such courses to satisfy this requirement, and this has to be done prior to their candidacy exam.

  • If a student fails the candidacy exam, the Graduate Studies Committee in consultation with the adviser and the Candidacy Exam Committee, may ask the student to give another one in a few months time (without fellowship). If a student fails the candidacy exam a second time, they will be asked to leave the programme.

Years 4, 5, and 6:

  • If the Thesis Monitoring Committee finds that the student is not making satisfactory progress, even once, the Graduate Studies Committee may ask the student to leave the programme.

  • If a student is not in a position to defend the thesis by the end of the sixth year, an extension of a few months with half the normal salary may be granted subject to some restrictions.


Award of MSc Degree

The Student is eligible for the award of an MSc degree at the time of completing their PhD. The student who has not completed their PhD and has accumulated 80 credits can apply to the mathematics subject board for the award of an MSc degree; the MSc degree is granted upon the recommendation of the Mathematics subject board.