Course Structure
First Year | |
Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
MTH-101.4 Real Analysis | MTH-105.4 Advanced Calculus & Geometry |
MTH-102.4 Topology | MTH-106.4 Functional Analysis |
MTH-107.4 Measure Theory | |
MTH-104.4 Linear Algebra | MTH-108.4 Applied and Computational Methods |
Second Year | |
Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
MTH-201.4 Introductory PDE | MTH-205.4 Algebra |
MTH-202.4 Probability Theory | Elective 1 |
MTH-203.4 Complex Analysis | Elective 2 |
MTH-204.4 Advanced Functional Analysis |
Reading Course |
Third Year | |
Semester 5 & 6 | |
Advanced Topic Courses | |
Research Methodology | |
Research and Publication Ethics | |
Research Project ( Year long) |