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Tender for external painting works

Tender Ref : TIFR : CAM : TEN-15/2022-23

Sealed Tenders are invited by TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics from reputed firms who have executed the works of similar nature for the above work.

Estimated cost of this work 851,132
Earnest Money deposit 17,000
Period of completion Within 1 month from the date of receipt of work order
Security deposit 10% of the order value


EMD to be in the form of DD drawn from any nationalized bank in favour of TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics or by online mode to the following bank account: 

  • Account holder: TIFRCAM Operation & Maintenance,
  • Bank: Central Bank of India, Yelahanka Branch.
  • Account No.: 3765007981, IFS Code: CBIN0283694

Tenders not accompanied by EMD are liable to be rejected.

Kindly fill up the enclosed schedule of quantities with your most competitive rates and submit the same in a sealed covers on or before  March 2, 2023 at 16:00 hrs and the same will be opened on March 3, 2023 at 16:00 hours.

The administrative officer, does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tenders, reserves the authority to reject any or all the Tenders or to a lot parts of the works to different agencies without assigning any reason therefore.

All Tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or the offers of the agencies who put any condition including that of conditional rebate shall be summarily rejected.