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You are here: Home / Jobs / Advt 01-2024: Screening Result of the applications for the post of Administrative Assistant B (Post Code AAB)

Advt 01-2024: Screening Result of the applications for the post of Administrative Assistant B (Post Code AAB)

Reference : Advt-01-2024

The following candidates are provisionally shortlisted for Tests

Those who have not been shortlisted may view the reasons for rejection under the link given below and make a representation if any within 15 days from October 15, 2024.
Sl No Application No. Name
1 24220004 Mr Swspnil Sankhe
2 24220005 Mr Manu M
3 24220007 Mr Praveen Dubey
4 24220008 Mr Mahesh Chandrappa Talavar
5 24220009 Miss Ramjanbee K
6 24220010 Mr Aniket Ashok Surve
7 24220015 Mr Thadaboina Murali
8 24220019 Mr Atul Kumar Tiwari
9 24220020 Mr Srikanth Kanupoori
10 24220021 Mr Ganesh Pratap Singh
11 24220023 Mr Vivian Ignatius Vadlya
12 24220027 Mr Pativada Sankara Rao
13 24220029 Mr Godson Ignatius Dongarkar
14 24220032 Mr Chinnappa Puneeth
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