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Wiener Tauberian Theorem for rank one semisimple Lie groups

Dr. Amit Samanta, IIT Kanpur
Dr. Amit Samanta, IIT Kanpur
When May 19, 2016
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where LH 006
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Abstract:  A famous theorem of Norbert Wiener states that for a function f in L^1(R), span of translates f(x -a) is dense in L^1(R) if and only if the Fourier transform of f is nonvanishing on R. The theorem is known as Wiener Tauberian theorem. In 1996, Y. Ben Natan, Y. Benyamini, H. Hedenmalam and Y. Weit proved a genuine analogue of Wiener Tauberian Theorem for the Disc algebra L^1(SL(2,R)//SO(2)). We generalizes this result for L^1(G//K), where G is a semisimple Lie group of rank one.

 This is a joint work with Dr. Sanjoy Pusti.

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