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You are here: Home / Events / Terrence George: Dimers and Beauville integrable systems

Terrence George: Dimers and Beauville integrable systems

Terrence George (University of Michigan)
Terrence George (University of Michigan)
When Aug 08, 2022
from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Where Faculty room
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From each convex integral polygon in the plane, Goncharov and Kenyon constructed a completely integrable Hamiltonian system, called a cluster integrable system, from the planar dimer model in statistical mechanics. I will describe action-angle coordinates for cluster integrable systems, and show that the action-angle map gives an isomorphism of the cluster integrable system with the Beauville integrable system in algebraic geometry.

Based on joint work with Alexander Goncharov and Rick Kenyon, and with Giovanni Inchiostro.

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