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Sulivan's dictionary, and combination theorems in conformal dynamics

Sabyasachi Mukherjee ( TIFR Mumbai)
Sabyasachi Mukherjee ( TIFR Mumbai)
When May 09, 2024
from 03:30 PM to 06:00 PM
Where LH-111 (TIFR CAM)
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Runaway Seminar

Sulivan's dictionary, and combination theorems in conformal dynamics
An intriguing dictionary exists between two branches of conformaldynamics: the theory of Kleinian groups and dynamics of rational maps. We will introduce various characters of this dictionary, and expound some classical as well as recently discovered connections between them. Finally, we will discuss how Kleinian groups and rational maps can often be bound together in the dynamical plane of an algebraic correspondence. 
No prior familiarity with the topics will be assumed. 

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