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Non-local Boundary Conditions and Domain Truncation in Electrical Impedance Tomography

Prof. Erkki Somersalo Case Western Reserve University. Ohio
Prof. Erkki Somersalo Case Western Reserve University. Ohio
When Jan 20, 2016
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Where LH006
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Abstract:  In electrical impedance tomography (EIT), the goal is to estimate an unknown electric conductivity distribution inside a body from current/voltage measurements at the boundary of the body. A common problem arising in numerous applications is that the data can be collected only on a part of the boundary, or the body is infinite and a truncation of the computational domain is needed. Computationally, the domain can be decomposed in two subdomains with a non-local Steklov-Poincare' boundary condition along the cut; however, in the EIT, this boundary condition depends on the unknown conductivity, and therefore constitutes part of the inverse problem. In this talk, we address this problem in a computational Bayesian framework, modeling the boundary condition as part of the unknown to be estimated, and propose a sampling-based method to marginalize the model with respect to the unknown boundary condition.

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