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Nonlinear dispersive equations as asymptotic models

Prof. J C Saut, University of Orsay, France
Prof. J C Saut, University of Orsay, France
When Apr 26, 2016
from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM
Where LH 006
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Abstract The general idea is to consider various issues concerning nonlinear dispersive equations, by keeping in mind that those equations occur as asymptotic models for more complex systems (water waves, nonlinear optics,..).

The two first lectures will be introductory and will recall briefly how one can derive those asymptotic models from the water waves system and review some basic facts on dispersion. 

The other lectures will focus on more specific topics such as: 

-what are semilinear and quasilinear nonlinear dispersive equations. 

-influence of a "weakly" dispersive  perturbation on nonlinear  hyperbolic equations. 

-long time existence issues. 

-dispersive blow-up. 

-solitary waves.

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