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You are here: Home / Events / Mathematics Colloquium: Some results of Harmonic Analysis on SL(2,R) and associated Riemannian symmetric space

Mathematics Colloquium: Some results of Harmonic Analysis on SL(2,R) and associated Riemannian symmetric space

Dr. Swagato Ray, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Dr. Swagato Ray, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
When Sep 06, 2022
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where Auditorium, ground floor, CAM, bangalore
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Abstract: We will state certain results of Harmonic Analysis related to convolution and the Fourier transform on SL(2,R) and the associated Riemannian symmetric space SL(2,R)/SO(2). These results differ fundamentally from their Euclidean counterparts. Some of these results are valid for all connected, noncompact, Semisimple Lie groups with finite centre and the associated symmetric space G/K. However, we will also state certain results which are currently known to be true only when G is a noncompact semisimple Lie group with real rank 1.