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Mathematical analysis of the motion of a piston in a fluid with density dependent viscosity.

Speaker: Vaibhav Kumar Jena (TIFR CAM)
Speaker: Vaibhav Kumar Jena (TIFR CAM)
When Jul 21, 2023
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where LH 006
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Abstract: In this talk, we will address the global existence and uniqueness problem for the motion of a piston in a viscous compressible fluid with a density dependent viscosity. The motion of the piston follows Newton's second law, and the fluid model is given by the 1-D compressible Navier-Stokes system. We will study the large time behaviour of the system as well. Furthermore, we will also discuss the problem in the N-piston case, for any N>1.

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