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Four proofs of cocompactness in Sobolev embeddings

Cyril Tintarev, Uppsala University, USA
Cyril Tintarev, Uppsala University, USA
When Jan 11, 2016
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where LH006
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Abstract:  Cocompacntess is a property that Sobolev embeddings on the whole space have instead of compactness. That is, it is not enough for a sequence, bounded in a Sobolev norm, in order to vanish in L^p, to converge to zero weakly, but it suffices if the sequence will converge to zero weakly under action of every sequence of translations and dilations. We give four different proofs of cocompactness, one using classical harmonic analysis, one using wavelets, one by PDE methods and one in the style of potential theory.

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