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Domains of holomorphy for admissible Banach representations of simple Lie groups

Dr. Aprameyan Parthasarathy Paderborn University, Germany
Dr. Aprameyan Parthasarathy Paderborn University, Germany
When Apr 03, 2018
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where LH 006
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Abstract: In this talk, we'll answer a question of Kr\"otz about holomorphic extensions of irreducible admissible Banach representations of simple real Lie groups and its relation to a distinguished domain - the so-called crown domain. We'll see how geometry and analysis on such groups (and the associated symmetric spaces) interact to lead to a proof. We'll explain some of the main ideas involved in the proof - vanishing of matrix coefficients at infinity and its relation to properness of the underlying group action under some additional growth conditions on the Banach globalisations. This is joint work with Gang Liu, Uni. Metz.

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