Convergence of a numerical scheme for Kuramoto-Sakaguchi Equation
Speaker |
Neelabja Chatterjee,
Department of Mathematics
University of Oslo
When |
Jan 10, 2018
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM |
Where | LH 006 |
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Abstract: To analyze the phase transition between different kind of ordered states, in the recent past Kinetic Kuramoto Equation has been studied extensively. In the talk, we are going to derive and analyze a numerical method for a general class of Kuramoto - Sakaguchi Equation. Alongway, we will prove the strong convergence of the scheme to the unique weak solution whenever the initial datum lies in B.V. - Space and L^{1}. Also, convergence in the sense of measure, while relaxing the total variatiion bound of initial datum.