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Constructing 3-manifolds

Tanushree Shah (Alfred Renyi Institute)
Tanushree Shah (Alfred Renyi Institute)
When Nov 10, 2023
from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where LH-006 (TIFR CAM)
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We will see different methods of constructing 3-dimensional shapes (3-manifolds). Then we will look at the notion of equivalence i.e. when are two such objects the 'same'. One of the ways to construct new 3-Manifolds is by Dehn surgery. Colloquially, to perform Dehn surgery one removes a neighborhood of a knot and glues it back in in a twisted way. One can ask questions about how 'similar' are two manifolds with respect to Dehn surgery. I will talk about some conjectures around this topic and what tools can be used to solve this.

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