Mathematical Study of Certain Geophysical Models: Global Regularity and Finite-time Blowup Results
Speaker |
Edriss S. Titi, Dept. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University,
Dept. of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics, The Weizmann Institute of Science
When |
Jan 05, 2016
from 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM |
Where | LH006 |
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Abstract: In this talk I will present some recent results concerning global regularity of certain geophysical models. This will include the three-dimensional primitive equations with various anisotropic viscosity and turbulence mixing diffusion, and certain tropical atmospheric models with moisture. Moreover, I will show that in the non-viscous (inviscid) case there is a one-parameter family of initial data for which the corresponding smooth solutions of the primitive equations develop finite-time singularities (blowup). The presentation is based on joint work with Chongsheng Cao, Aseel Farhat, Slim Ibrahim, Jinkai Li and Kenji Nakanishi.