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On modeling multi-component gas

Christian Klingenberg, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Christian Klingenberg, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
When Sep 14, 2016
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Where LH 006
Contact Name Dr. Praveen C
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Abstract:  We consider a multi component gas mixture. This mixture is modelled by a system of kinetic BGK equations. Consistency of the model is proven, also existence, uniqueness and the positivity of solutions. We can extend our model to an ES-BGK model and to polyatomic mixtures. By taking moments, this allows us to derive macroscopic two-species conservation laws. This is joint work with Marlies Pirner (Wurzburg University, Germany) and Gabriella Puppo (Universita Insubria, Italy).

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