Bangalore Probability Seminar : Correlations in the continuous multispecies TASEP and the Aas-Linusson conjecture.
Speaker |
Nimisha Pahuja (IISc)
When |
Nov 21, 2022
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM |
Where | Seminar Room, TIFR CAM |
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We will prove a conjecture by Aas and Linusson on the two-point correlations of adjacent particles in a continuous multispecies TASEP on a ring (AIHPD, 2018). We will use the theory of multiline queues as devised by Ferrari and Martin (AOP, 2008) to interpret the conjecture in terms of placements of numbers in triangular arrays. Further, we use projections to calculate correlations in multispecies continuous TASEP using a distribution on these placements. We also prove some identities equating certain triple-sum formulae to simple closed-form expressions. This is joint work with Surjadipta De Sarkar.