An Efficient DWR-Type a Posteriori Error Bound of SDFEM for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion PDEs
Speaker |
When |
Feb 10, 2022
from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM |
Where | zoom meeting |
Contact Name | Pramila |
Contact Phone | 08066953702 |
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Abstract: The main target of this research is to provide an efficient residual-based a posteriori error bound in the standard energy norm for the streamline-diffusion finite element method (SDFEM) devoted to the stationary convection-diffusion equations. To improve the accuracy of this estimator, we weighted the estimator through some relevant factors obtained by using the solution of the corresponding dual problem. Finally, we contribute a new computable DWR-type robust a posteriori error estimator to the literature of SDFEM. Also, we establish the lower bound for the local estimator. Lastly, the proposed method is justified by some numerical experiments, and several future scopes related to this work are also addressed.