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A strong Onsager conjecture

Hyunju Kwon (ETH-Zurich)
Hyunju Kwon (ETH-Zurich)
When Apr 05, 2022
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where Zoom talk
Contact Name pramila
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Abstract: The incompressible 3D Euler equations have total kinetic energy conservation for smooth (spatially periodic) solutions. In the recent resolution of the Onsager conjecture by Isett, on the other hand, below certain threshold Hölder regularity, Euler flows with total kinetic energy dissipation have been constructed. In this talk, I'll discuss a strong Onsager conjecture: the existence of Hölder continuous Euler flows with total kinetic energy dissipation and satisfying the local energy inequality. I'll also talk about an analogous question for the isentropic compressible Euler equations. The talk will be based on joint works with Camillo De Lellis and Vikram Giri.

Youtube link to the recording

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